From Wed Mar 23 12:34:29 1994 Received: from by with SMTP id ; Wed, 23 Mar 94 12:33:58 -0500 Received: by (Smail3.1.28.1 #11) id m0pjWoU-0013CbC; Wed, 23 Mar 94 12:33 EST Message-Id: From: (Jim Brain) Subject: FTP site for CBM list To: (Craig Bruce) Date: Wed, 23 Mar 1994 12:33:54 -40962758 (EST) X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL20] Content-Type: text Content-Length: 73873 Status: R Is there any way you could put this up at the site and tell me where it is, so I can tel others? This is the Products List from Ron Snyder, who is the head of US Commodore Support, a dealer of used PET/VIC/64/128/etc. supplies (and some new stuff). He is not affiliated with Commodore, and I present this info from him for your perusal. I would appreciate it if someone could put it up on an ftp site and tell me where you put it, so I could tell others. There is some good stuff here. us.cbm-list PET SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE AVAILABLE as of 02-1-94 All items subject to prior sale. Prices subject to change without notice. This list superscedes any previous list. SOFTWARE: Superscript....Wordprocessor.....Available for 2001 (32k), 4032, 8032, 8096, 9000 in 2031/4040 disk format. 700 series in any disk format....................$ 35 Wordpro 3......Wordprocessor....Available for 2001(32k) and 4032 (small screen 9") in any disk format.............$ 35 Wordpro 4+.....Wordprocessor.....Available for 8000 and 9000 series any disk format...........................$ 50 Wordmachine & Namemachine..Wordprocessor and Mail list manager Simple, easy to use programs that run on any COMMODORE computer with 16k or more memory. Works best on 32k or bigger machines (any disk format).$ 15 Flex-File......Database, Maillist manager and Reportwriter in one. Runs on any Pet(32k) (any disk format)......$ 35 Visicalc.......Spreadsheet for 2000, 4000, 8000 or 9000 series with 32k or more memory (any disk format)........$ 50 DTL............Basic compiler.......for 8000 and 9000 series....$ 50 Petspeed.......Basic compiler.......for 8000 and 9000 series....$ 35 generates bigger program file than DTL. Mail List......Maillist manager (requires dual drives) and 32k Manual on disk...................................$ 20 Datafile H.....Database and maillist manager, menu driven(32k)..$ 20 Type Right.....Typing tutor for 8000 and 8000 series............$ 20 M.A.G.I.S......Accounting and inventory system for 8000 and 9000 series. Requires dual drives(1 or more)..........$ 50 Power..........Programmers aid for 8000 and 9000 series.........$ 50 Create-A-Base..Database for 2000, 8000 and 9000 series..........$ 50 General Ledger.from INFO Designs...8000 and 9000 systems........$ 50 Complete Accounting package from INFO Designs, contains Payroll, General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Acccounts Receivable...8000 and 9000 series................$ 100 Accounts Receivable.from BPI..8000 and 9000 series..............$ 50 Job Costing....from BPI..8000 and 9000 series...................$ 50 I.R.M.A........Database Search program..8000 and 9000 series....$ 50 OZZ............Database program..8000 and 9000 series...........$ 50 Wordcraft 80...Wordprocessor..8000 and 9000 series..............$ 50 MAE ...........Assembler......8000 and 9000 series..............$ 35 Home & Small Business Accounting......8000 and 9000 series 4040 and 2031 drives only........................$ 40 Harrisons Assembler..ML assembler..700, 710 & B-128 specify disk drive..(requires some knowhow)......$ 5 Deals Utilities..700, 710 & B-128..specify disk drive...........$ 5 Test/Demo disks..1001, 2031, 4040, 8050, 8250, 1541, 1571, 1581.$ 5 Superpet (9000)..System disks...................................$ 20 64k Memory Expansion demo disk...8000 and 9000 series...........$ 5 Help disk......for use with the Osborne/McGraw Hill CBM guide...$ 10 TPUG disks.....AAA-AAB-TC-TD-TE-TF-TG-TH-TI-TJ-TK-TL-TM-TN-TP specify disk drive...............................$ 5ea Transactor disks..specify issue you want disk for, V4#1 thru the end. specify disk drive..........................$ 5ea Commodore Educational Library 54 different disks available, runs on any Pet with 32k memory...(some will run on 8k or 16k, Pot luck under 32k).(any disk format)......$ 2ea 35 page catalog of Educational Library..........$ 5 PET Public Domain disks..about 30 available (any disk format)...$ 2ea AVALON HILL games: (disk or tape) B-1 Nuclear Bomber (16k min.).........................$ 10 Guns of Fort Defiance (16k min).......................$ 10 Midway Campaign (16k min).............................$ 10 Stocks & Bonds (16k min)..............................$ 10 Nukewar (16k min).....................................$ 10 Andromeda Conquest (16k min)..........................$ 10 Voyager 1 (32k).......................................$ 10 MANUALS: 700 (B-128) INFO PACK...........................................$ 2 BASIC 4.0..used on all PET/CBM except 2001k.....................$ 20 Disk Systems User Reference Guide (covers all disk drives)......$ 20 MSD-2 disk drive................................................$ 10 2031 disk drive.................................................$ 10 2040 disk drive.................................................$ 10 2001k computer..................................................$ 20 2001/4000 computer (all models).................................$ 20 8032/8096 computer..............................................$ 10 2022/2023 printer...............................................$ 10 4022/4023 printer...............................................$ 10 6400 printer....................................................$ 10 8023p printer...................................................$ 10 8024 printer....................................................$ 10 4010 voice response unit........................................$ 10 8010 or STAR 488 Modem..........................................$ 10 FORTH...........................................................$ 20 MAE.............................................................$ 10 BASIC PROGRAMMERS TOOLKIT.......................................$ 10 COMMANDO-O-PRO..................................................$ 10 DISK-O-PRO......................................................$ 10 McTERM..........................................................$ 10 MIKRO CHIP ASSEMBLER............................................$ 10 P-TERM 103......................................................$ 10 PET BBS.........................................................$ 10 PIC CHIP........................................................$ 10 SUPERGRAPHICS BOARD.............................................$ 10 TNW-103 MODEM...................................................$ 10 VIGIL...........................................................$ 10 VISIBLE MUSIC MONITOR...........................................$ 10 XPTERM 232......................................................$ 10 PETSPEED 700, 710 & B-128..on disk (WP4+ files) specify drive...$ 5 PROGRAMMERS REFERENCE MANUAL..700, 710 & B-128..................$ 30 64k MEMORY EXPANSION MANUAL.....................................$ 10 SUPER PET (9000) MANUALS...Pascal, Fortran, APL, System Overview 6809 assembler.................................$ 10ea M-Basic........................................$ 15 Cobol..........................................$ 20 PET 64 (Educator) computer......................................$ 10 BOOKS: PET Graphics..218 pages.........................................$ 10 COMPUTE!'S First Book of PET/CBM...245 pages....................$ 5 Library of PET Subroutines..140 pages...........................$ 15 The PET Revealed..180 pages of insider info on the PET/CBM......$ 20 VISICALC Applications.184 pages of templates for fast use.......$ 20 VISICALC Home-Office Companion.182 pages, 50 templates..........$ 20 COMMODORE Software Encyclopedia.406 pages of software and hardware for the PET/CBM (contains some VIC and 64)...$ 10 BASIC Programs For Home Financial Management....................$ 5 You Just Bought a Personal What?................................$ 5 BASIC Computer Games............................................$ 5 Modern Computer Concepts........................................$ 5 Foundations of Computer Technology..............................$ 5 COBOL Programming...............................................$ 5 More BASIC Computer Games.......................................$ 5 Creative Programming in BASIC...................................$ 5 Data File Programming in BASIC..................................$ 10 BASIC Programming...............................................$ 5 WHOLE PET CATALOG...............................................$ 10 MASTERING VISICALC..............................................$ 10 PET-CBM PERSONAL COMPUTER GUIDE 2nd edition...(outstanding).....$ 15 USING VISICALC..................................................$ 10 VISICALC MADE EASY..............................................$ 10 EXECUTIVE COMPUTING (including Visicalc templates)..............$ 10 VISICALC TUTOR (computer used is TRS-80)........................$ 10 CREATE-A-BASE QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE.............................$ 10 PET ML GUIDE by ABACUS (includes 4.0 roms)......................$ 12 33 GAMES FOR THE PET............................................$ 5 SERVICE AIDS: 700 (B-128) DEALER ENGINEER SERVICE NOTES.......................$ 2 9000 Super Pet Tech Manual......................................$ 20 8050/8250 Service manual........................................$ 20 Diagnostic Manual and disk all drives available, specify drive..$ 25 6400 Tech Manual................................................$ 30 8032 Tech Manual................................................$ 20 4016/4032 Tech Manual...........................................$ 20 8023P Tech Manual...............................................$ 15 Diagnostic Disk, no manual specify drive........................$ 10 HARDWARE: 2001k Computer...First PET, 8k, chicklet keyboard..............$ 40 2001n Computer...Home keyboard, 8k.............................$ 40 2001N COMPUTER...Home keyboard, 32k............................$ 40 4032 Computer...(large screen-Fat 40).........................$ 40 8032 Computer...32k, 80 col screen............................$ 40 8096 Computer...96k, 80 col screen............................$ 75 9000 Computer..SuperPet.(without manuals or disks)............$ 75 with all manuals and disks.....................$ 175 PET 64 (Educator model) computer...............................$ 75 1001 Disk Drive..(1x1.12Mb)....................................$ 50 4040 Disk Drive..(2x170Kb).....................................$ 100 8050 Disk Drive..(2x560Kb).....................................$ 125 8250 Disk Drive..(2x1.12Mb)..(new MPI mechs)...................$ 150 2022 Printer...................................................$ 30 4022 Printer...................................................$ 50 6400 Printer..(daisywheel, wide carriage, centronics)..........$ 50 8023p printer..................................................$ 50 8023p printer..(new)...........................................$ 75 8024 Printer..(Push, Pull, Friction)...........................$ 75 8300p Printer..wide carriage, daisywheel (Diablo 630)..........$ 75 NEC Spinwriter.(wide carriage).................................$ 50 64k memory expansion for 8032..................................$ 50 PET-IEEE or IEEE-IEEE cable...(1 meter long)...................$ 50 IEEE-IEEE cable...(3-4 meters long)................$ 100 Tape drives....................................................$ 15 ADA printer interface for PET/CBM (allows use of Non-Commodore printer (specify parallel or serial)...............$ 40 Rom Board..allows use of 2 chips in one socket w/switch........$ 20 Rom Board..allows use of 3 chips in one socket w/switch........$ 30 Rom Board..allows use of 4 chips in one socket w/switch........$ 50 8010 300 baud acoustic modem...................................$ 50 BELL 212A 1200 baud modem with interface (manual dial).........$ 50 Modem Adapter PET to RS-232 (holds McTerm Chip)................$ 30 RS-232 extension cable 6 ft. (male/female).....................$ 15 Printer Adapter RS-232.........................................$ 25 PET SWITCH adds IEEE and RS-232 ports (no manual)..............$ 20 MUPPET..allows up to 16 PETs to share printers and disk drives, has console, power supply, computer modules for 5 PETS, cables (no manual).......................................$ 100 S-100 MPA & DAZZLER (not for amateurs) allows the PET to use the S-100 bus for memory expansion, Eprom boards, disk drives and color output to a TV. If you don't know what an S-100 is, don't mess with this item...$ 50 PARTS: 8300P (Diablo 630 ribbons).....................................$ 5ea MPI mechs for 8250, new........................................$ 30 Digital boards, 8050 or 8250 (pulls)...........................$ 20 Analog boards, 8250 (pulls)....................................$ 10 Power supplies, 8050 or 8250 (pulls)...........................$ 20 Parts for Micropolis drives (8050, 8250). Some parts for the 2022, 4023, 6400, 8023P & 8300P (Diablo 630) printers. Misc other parts. Call for availability and price. When ordering be sure to state computer and disk drive model numbers. VIC-20 SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE PRESENTLY AVAILABLE SOFTWARE (new, tape) $2: GORTEX and the MICROCHIPS SOFTWARE (used, tested): GAMES (cartridges with docs) $5 each: Adventure Land..Aggresor..Alien..Alien Blitz..Apple Panic.. Avenger...Choplifter..Cosmic Cruncher..Clowns..Congo Bongo. Demon Attack..Fast Eddie..Frogger..Grid Runner..Gorf. Home Babysitter..Jupiter Lander..K-Star Patrol..Monster Maze. Mole Attack..Meteor Run..Mission Impossible..Mole Attack. Money Wars..Omega Race..Pharaoh's Curse..Pirate Cove. Protector..Poker..Radar Ratrace..Sargon II..Spiders of Mars. Shamus..Satellites & Meteorites..Snake Bite..Sea Wolf..Story Machine. Slot..The Count..The Sky is Falling..Vic Avenger. Visible Solar System..Voodoo Castle..Pinball..Final Orbit/Bumper Bash GAMES (cartridges, no docs) $2 each: Atlantis..Amok..Buck Rogers..Centipede..Corridors..Donkey Kong. Dig Dug..DragonFire..Deadly Duck..Lunar Leeper..Miner 2049er. Bandits..Predator..Renaissance..Raid on Ft. Knox..Road Race. Sky Blazer..Speed/Bingo Math..Spike's Peak..Star Trek..Star Post. Trashman..Turmoil..Video Vermin GAMES (tapes with docs) $2 each: Defender on Tri..Death Ship..Exterminator..Galactic Blitz. Hangman-Hangmath..Rescue at Rigel..Space Quest..Vixel 1..Vixel 3 GAMES (tapes with docs) $3 each: COMMODORE 6 game pak GAMES (tapes with docs) $5 each: Sword of Fargoal Games (tapes with docs) $1 each: Tic-Tac-Frac..Ruler GAMES (tapes, no docs) $1 each: Vikol I..Vic Trek SERIOUS STUFF (carts wich docs) $10 each: Programmers Aid..Super Expander SERIOUS STUFF (carts with docs) $5 each: Hesmon..Heswriter..Mail List & Labels (16k)..Personal Finance. Turtle Graphics..Type Attack SERIOUS STUFF (carts, no docs) $2 each: Commodore Artist..Mini Jini..Machine Language Monitor..Quick Brown Fox. SERIOUS STUFF (tapes, with docs) $5 each: Superword 2.0 (16k)..Simplicalc (16k)..Menu Planner (8k) SERIOUS STUFF (tapes, with docs) $3 each: Public Domain of Ohio 1, 2 and 3..Viccat (3k)..Money Decisions 1 and 2 (8k). Quiz Master (8k)..Home Inventory..Personal Finance..Victerm I. Expense Calender..Loan-Mortage calculator SERIOUS STUFF (tapes, with docs) $2 each: Game Graphics Editor..Introduction to BASIC part 1, part 2. Vic File..Word Processor MISC STUFF (tapes, no docs) 50 cents each: Blue meanies From Outer Space..Space Pak..Blackjack..Snakman. Scramblers..Vikman.. Loan Mortgage Calculator..Simon..Torg. Artillery..Exterminator..Sidewinder..Vicat..Subtraction..Quizmaster. Data Manager Expense Calender..Space Math..Biorythum Compatability. Vic Data..Little Invoice..Fraction Reduction..Vic Check..Vic Calc. Letterhead.. Personal Finance I and II and III and IV..Total Text (16k) MANUALS: VIC PROGRAMMERS REFERENCE GUIDE...................................$ 5 VIC OWNERS MANUAL.................................................$ 5 1541-1571 MANUALS.................................................$ 10 BOOKS: VIC SOFTWARE......................................................$ 5 VIC GAMES.........................................................$ 5 VIC GRAPHICS......................................................$ 5 STIMULATING SIMULATIONS FOR THE VIC...............................$ 5 101 TIPS FOR THE VIC..............................................$ 5 COMPUTE!'S BOOK OF VIC GAMES......................................$ 5 COMPUTE!'S FIRST BOOK OF VIC......................................$ 5 COMPUTE!'S SECOND BOOK OF VIC.....................................$ 5 COMPUTE!'S THIRD BOOK OF VIC......................................$ 5 THE VIC REVEALED..................................................$ 5 YOUR FIRST VIC PROGRAM............................................$ 5 MACHINE LANGUAGE FOR COMMODORE COMPUTERS..........................$ 5 I SPEAK BASIC TO MY VIC...........................................$ 5 START WITH BASIC ON THE VIC.......................................$ 5 GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR VIC..................................$ 5 VIC MACHINE LANGUAGE GUIDE........................................$ 5 VIC INTERFACING BLUE BOOK (20 projects includind 128k RAM)........$ 5 HARDWARE: 1 SLOT EXPANSION BOARD...........................................$ 5 3 SLOT EXPANSION BOARD...........................................$ 10 3K RAM EXPANDER..................................................$ 5 8K RAM EXPANDER..................................................$ 10 16K RAM EXPANDER.................................................$ 20 32K RAM EXPANDER.................................................$ 30 ENHANCER 2000 DISK DRIVE (1541 CLONE)............................$ 40 1541 DISK DRIVE (SERVICED).......................................$ 75 1571 DISK DRIVE (SERVICED).......................................$ 125 1802 COLOR MONITOR (SERVICED)....................................$ 125 +4 COMPUTER......................................................$ 25 C-64 COMPUTER (SERVICED).........................................$ 50 C-128 COMPUTER (SERVICED)........................................$ 125 VIC-20 COMPUTER (SERVICED).......................................$ 25 TAPE DRIVES......................................................$ 15 JOYSTICKS (TESTED, WICO HEAVY DUTY)..............................$ 10 JOYSTICKS (TESTED, VARIOUS TYPES)................................$ 5 POWER SUPPLY USED (EARLY FLAT 2 PIN CONNECTOR)...................$ 10 POWER SUPPLY USED (LATE ROUND 4 PIN CONNECTOR)...................$ 20 C-64 SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE PRESENTLY AVAILABLE SOFTWARE: Word Machine & Name Machine..Wordprocessor and Mail list manager (COMMODORE) Simple, easy to use programs..................$ 15 Disk bonus Pack (COMMODORE).....................................$ 5 Tape Bonus Pack..same programs on 5 tapes.......................$ 5 Test-Demo disks.1541, 1540, 1571, 1581, 1001, 2040, 4040, 2031, 8050, 8250......................................$ 5 1700, 1750, 1764 test-demo disk.................................$ 5 Ramdos disk....................................$ 5 1351 or M3 mouse utility disk...................................$ 5 Gortex & the Micro Chips (COMMODORE) tutor, manual & 2 tapes....$ 5 Flex-File...Database, Maillist & Report Writer in one...........$ 35 The Manager (COMMODORE) database................................$ 10 Home & Small Business Accounting (Mountain High Software).......$ 40 BOBS TERM PRO 64 (no manual, easy to use).......................$ 5 The following disks are from #1 SOFTWARE, the 'BEST' in Public Domain programs. Each disk is either menu driven or has a manual you can print out. Prices for these are $ 1.50 ea. BU-01 INVOICER sales invoicing, database, blank forms printer CO-01 KERMIT v2.1 VT-100 emulator, 80 column terminal program CO-02 NOVATERM 8.2 baud rates to 2400. X Modem, Y Modem, Punter, multi-Punter, standard or ANSI graphics terminal, VT-52 emulation. DB-01 MULTIFINDER great database. DB-02 'THE' DATABASE one of the best at any price. GA-01 SUPERSTAR GAMES..Krakout, Super Mario Brothers, Slot Poker. GA-02 SUPER ROCKFALL, over 100 levels + editor, great game. GA-05 JIGSAW PUZZLES makes jigsaw puzzles for you to work on the screen from KOALA or DOODLE pictures. 10 pictures on the disk but you may use your own. GA-06 TRIVIA CONSTRUCTION SET. variety of subjects on the disk or you may create your own. Nice graphics. GA-07 STARTREK, 3 different games, slide show and music. GR-01 GRAPHICS UTILITIES, many tools for manipulating graphics. GR-02 PAPERCLIP PUBLISHER fonts. 47 new fonts and sample documents. GR-03 PAPERCLIP PUBLISHER CLIPART, more new clipart. GR-04 FASTCAD V1 a souped version of CAD 3.0. GR-05 to 08 SUPPORT FILES FOR CAD 3.0 or FASTCAD, each of these disks can be used individually with either of the above. MU-01 MUSIC GENERAL contains STEROPLAYER 8.0 with many songs. MU-02 MUSIC RELIGIOUS contains STEROPLAYER 8.0 with over 60 songs. MU-03 ENHANCED SIDPLAYER PR-01/02 PEDIGREE 3.0 slick geneology system, requires both disks. PR-03 ASSORTED PROGRAMS, label maker, stationary store, etc. PR-04 GRAFPAX, full featured menu driven graphing system. PR-05 CREATIVE FINANCE one of the finest personal finance systems on the market. PR-06 POWER BUDGET better than many commercial programs. UT-01 UTILITY DISK contains 23 useful programs. UT-02 GATEWAY, a new C64 operating system + 3 other programs. UT-03 WEDGE, Run magazine calls theis 'one of the best' + others. UT-04 DCMR (Disk Catalog Report Manager) great disk cataloger. PD SELECT disks: All the former PD SELECT disks except the Demos and Education disks. Use their numbers to order by. $1.50 ea. COMAL 30 disks of applications, etc. $1.50 ea. COMMODORE EDUCATIONAL LIBRARY 54 disks; $1.50 ea. Ed Calalog of these is $5. TPUG disks..too many to list..$ 5 ea. Write me with your wants. TRANSACTOR disks, all 27..$ 5ea..state mag you want disk for V4 #1 thru the end. USED SOFTWARE (Tested Good): EDUCATIONAL (DISK & CARTRIDGE) $ 5 each: Business..Cave of the Word Wizard..Cell Defense..Chem Lab. Computer Science..Dungeon of The Algebra Dragons. English I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII..Evelyn Wood Dynamic Reader. Games I,II,III..Geography..History..Let's Count..Light Waves. Master Type..Math III,V,VIII..Mr. Pixels Cartoon Kit. Number Nabber-Shape Grabber..Number Please..Pilot..Pipeline. Science I,II,III,IV..Science Grades 5&6..Speed Reader. Speed-Bingo Math..Technology..Tooth Invaders..Touch Typing Tutor. Turtle Graphics II..Type 'N' Write..Visible Solar System. Vocabulary..Webster The Word Game..Yearn To Learn..Kids to Kids book. 64 Games For Kids book EDUCATIONAL (DISK) $ 10 each: Logo..Easylesson & Easyquiz GAMES (DISK) $5 each: Ace of Aces..Action Biker..Adventure Master..Adventure Trilogy. Age of Adventure..Alien..Archon II..Aussie Games..Baldors Castle. Ballblazer..Bards Tale I..Bards Tale II..Bards Tale III cluebook. Battle of the Bulge..Bazooka Bill..Beyond Castle Wolfenstein. Bismarck The North Sea Chase..Bop'n & Wrestle..Bubble Bobble. Butcher Hill..Caveman Ugh-lympics..Championship Baseball. Clue..Conflict In Vietnam..Creative Contraptions..Crimson Crown. Crusade In Europe..Dambusters..Dark Castle..Deadline. Deceptor..Defender of The Crown..Destroyer..Dig-Dug..Dive Bomber. Double Dare..Dunzhin..Empire Wargame of The Century..Entertainer 3. Fantastic Four..F-14 Tomcat..Final Assualt..4th & Inches..Frogger. Frogger & Threshold..Gauntlet..Gerry The Germ & Micro Cosm. Ghost Busters..G.I.Joe..Gothmogs Lair..Grave Yardage..Hardball. Hes Games..Hillsfar..Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy..The Hulk. Jeopardy..Jeopardy 2nd Edition..Jeopardy Sports Edition. Jewels of Darkness..John Madden Football..Karate Champ..Kikstart 2. Killed Until Dead..Kings of The Beach..Knight Games..Kung Fu Master. Kung Fu The Way of The Exploding Fist..Land-Sea-Air Adventures. Leader Board Golf..Leather Goddesses of Phobes..Leather Goddesses cluebook..License To Kill..Mail Order Monsters..Mars Saga. Maze Madness..Modem Wars..Moon Bug..MS Pac-Man. Ollie-Lissa & Mad Nurse..Pecos Pete & Pipeline..Phantasie I. Phantasie II..Pinball Const Set..Pocket Rockets. Pole Position..Powerplay Hockey..Predator..Presidential Campaign. Project Space Station..Quest..Questron..Rescue on Fractalus!. Roadwar 2000..Robbers of The Lost Tomb..Robocop..Rockford. Rubicon Alliance..Sargon III..Se-Kaa of Assiah..Seven Cities of Gold. Sidearms..Skate or Die..Skate Rock..Skyfox..Slam Dunk..Slinky. Solo Flight..Space Rogue..Speedball..Sports-A-Roni..Spot. Star Trek Evolution..Starcross..Star Wars..Strike Fleet..Summer Games. Summer Games II..Super Cycle..Super Huey..Super Huey II. Super Star Soccer..Super Zaxxon..Telengard..Temple of Apshai. The Duel-Test Drive II..Test Drive II Scenery Disk-European Challenge. Tetris..Tiger Road..TNK III..Top Gun..Tower Toppler..Triple Pack. Underwurlde & Sabre Wolf..Ultima 3..Ultima 4..Ultima 5..Ultimate Wizard..Ulyssus..Wheel of Fortune..Wheel Of Fortune 2nd Ed...Wheel Of Fortune 3rd Ed...Who Framed Roger Rabbit..Willow Pattern & Chimera..Wizball..The Wylde..Wings Of Fury..Winter Games. Wizard..Wizard of Akyrz..Wizards Crown..World Class Leader Board Golf. World Games..World Karate Championship..Worlds Greatest Baseball Game. Worlds Greatest Football GaMe..Worms..Zig Zag..Zork I..Zork II. Zork III GAMES (DISK) $10 each: Bards Tale III..Battletech The Crescent Hawk's Inception. Curse Azure Bonds..Echelon..Gamemaker..Might and Magic..PHM Pegasus. Pool of Radiance..Project Stealth Fighter..Pure Stat Baseball. Red Storm Rising..Starflight..Stealth Mission..Thunderchopper. Tracker..Where In Europe Is Carmen Sandiego..Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego..Where In The USA Is Carmen Sandiego..Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego GAMES (CARTRIDGE) $5 each: Attack of The Mutant Camels.Avenger..Blueprint..Defender..Dragons Den..Gateway to Apshai..Gorf..Gyruss..H.E.R.O..International Soccer..Jumpman Jr..Jupiter Lander..Kickman..LeMans..Letter Scrambler. Omega Race..Pinball..Pool Challenge..Popeye..Q-Bert..Sea Wolf..Space Shuttle..Spy Hunter..Star Post..Star Ranger..Super Smash..Wizard of Wor GAMES (CARTRIDGE) $10 each: Star Trek MUSIC (TAPE & CARTRIDGE) $5 each: Synthesound 64..Bravo..Music construction Set..Musicalc..Advanced Music System..Music Machine..Bank Street Music Writer SERIOUS STUFF (DISK and CARTRIDGE) $5 each: C-64 Utilities..Calc Result (spreadsheet)..CBM 64 Data Manager. Certificate Maker (prints certificates)..Computer Diagnostics..Data Base Manager..Data Manager II..Diary 64..Disk Drive Manager..Dream House..Easy Finance I (Loans, 12 progs.)..Easy Finance III (Investments, 16 progs)..Easy Finance V (Business Forecasting & Statistics, 9 progs)..Easy Mail (mail list manager)..Family Tree (genealogy)..Forth (programming language)..G Base (database)..Gazette Disks 2-88, 6-87, 10-87, 12-85, 8-88, 9-88, Best of Gazette..Homeword (Word processor)..Home Accountant..Home Finance I..Home Expense Manager..Home Manager..Kwik Load (disk drive speedup)..Kwik Write (word processor)..Mini Jini (database)..N-Coder (disassemble machine language programs)..Personal File Keeper..Personal Finance Assistant. Personal Word Processor..Picasso's Revenge..Pro Data Base..Pro Financial Org..Pro Word Processor..Programmers Basic Toolkit..Screen Editor..Smart 64 Terminal..Speedscript 3.2 (word processor)..Swift Desktop Publishing..Tax Record Organizer..Team Mate..The Writer (word processor)..Tot'l Speller (spelling checker)..Tot'l Text (word processor)..Valueword (word processor)..Vital Data Keeper (maintain personal records)..Word Master SR..LODESTAR Issues 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,29,34,37,38,68,99,Best of #4 SERIOUS STUFF (DISK and CARTRIDGE) $10 each: Better Working Spreadsheet..Easy Script (word processor). Super Expander (adds many features)..Simons Basic (adds many features to BASIC)..Super Base (data base)..Microsoft Multiplan (spread sheet)..Paperclip 64 (word processor)..Print Master..Consultant (data base)..Newsroom..Screen Pro 64 SERIOUS STUFF MISC: PRINTSHOP.........................................................$ 20 COMAL 80 (cartridge only).........................................$ 20 TERMINAL 40 (modem program with docs, on tape)....................$ 2 MANUALS: 1541, 1541 II, 1571, users guide................................$ 10ea DATASSETTE......................................................$ 2 1515-1525-801 PRINTER...........................................$ 5 1526 PRINTER....................................................$ 5 803 PRINTER.....................................................$ 5 CM-141/1802 MONITOR (black).....................................$ 10 1084 or 1084S MONITOR...........................................$ 5 1701 or 1702 MONITOR............................................$ 2 1802 MONITOR (straight face, putty).............................$ 5 1902A MONITOR...................................................$ 2 2002 MONITOR....................................................$ 3 1700, 1750, 1764 REU............................................$ 5 1351 or M3 MOUSE................................................$ 5 ENHANCER 2000 DISKDRIVE.........................................$ 5 MSD DUAL DISK DRIVE.............................................$ 5 EDUCATOR-64.....................................................$ 10 DISK SYSTEMS REFERENCE GUIDE (for the IEEE drives)..............$ 20 C-64 Programmers reference guide................................$ 10 C-64 or C-64-C USERS MANUAL.....................................$ 5 BOOKS: BASIC, A SELF TEACHING GUIDE....................................$ 5 BASIC CONVERSION HANDBOOK APPLE<>COMMODORE<>TANDY...............$ 5 PROGRAMMING IN 6502 MACHINE LANGUAGE by Hofacker................$ 3 SUPERBASE, THE BOOK.............................................$ 10 LOU SANDERS GOLD MINE (game tips)...............................$ 10 101 TIPS FOR THE 64.............................................$ 5 HOW TO USE THE 64...............................................$ 5 DATA FILE PROGRAMMING IN BASIC..................................$ 5 BASIC FROM THE GROUND UP........................................$ 5 ELEMENTARY 64...................................................$ 5 33 GAMES IN BASIC...............................................$ 5 C-64 FUN AND GAMES..............................................$ 5 MASTER MEMORY MAP 64............................................$ 5 64 GRAPHICS.....................................................$ 5 CREATING ARCADE GAMES ON THE 64.................................$ 5 YOUR C-64.......................................................$ 5 BEST VIC & 64 SOFTWARE..........................................$ 5 ADVENTURE COMPANION.............................................$ 10 32 BASIC PROGRAMS FOR THE 64....................................$ 5 64 GAMES FOR KIDS...............................................$ 5 TOP DOWN PROGRAMMING............................................$ 5 COMPUTES 64 COLLECTION.......................................... 5 TRANSACTOR MAGAZINES these are the original CBM Canada issues before Hilden bought it and made a slick magazine out of it. Produced on an 8032 and various printers. High quality zeroxed copies..V1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 2-4...............................$ 2ea 2-3, 2-5.........................................$ 3ea 3-1, 3-2, 3-3....................................$ 5ea 3-4..............................................$ 8 3-5..............................................$ 6 3-6..............................................$ 7 HARDWARE: Command Center (holds 2 drives, monitor. Has power strip & fan)$ 25 Educator 64 (metal case, green monitor, one piece).............$ 75 C-64 computer (rebuilt)........................................$ 50 C-128 computer (rebuilt).......................................$ 100 C-128D computer (rebuilt)......................................$ 150 VIC 20 computer (rebuilt)......................................$ 25 1541 Disk Drive (rebuilt)......................................$ 75 Enhancer 2000 Disk Drive (1541 clone no ps)....................$ 25 1571 Disk drive (rebuilt)......................................$ 125 1001 Disk Drive..(1x1.12mb)(IEEE)..............................$ 50 8050 Disk Drive..(2x560k)(IEEE)................................$ 125 4040 Disk Drive..(2x170k)......................................$ 100 8250 DISK DRIVE..(2x1.2M)..(new MPI drives)....................$ 150 STAR NX-1000C printer....(dot matrix, multi-font)..............$ 100 STAR SL10C PRINTER (full chipset)..............................$ 100 JUKI 6100 PRINTER (daisywheel).................................$ 50 EPSON HOMEWRITER 10 (no pic cartridge).........................$ 25 801 printer....................................................$ 40 1525 printer...................................................$ 25 OKIMATE 10 color printer.......................................$ 25 OKIMATE 20 color printer.......................................$ 25 4022 Printer (IEEE)............................................$ 50 4023 Printer..(NLQ push tractor)(IEEE).........................$ 50 6400 Printer..(wide carriage, daisy wheel, centronics).........$ 50 8023p printer (IEEE)...........................................$ 50 8023p printer (new)(IEEE)......................................$ 75 1702 Color Monitor.............................................$ 75 1802 Color Monitor.............................................$ 100 Monochrome Monitor.............................................$ 25 PET-IEEE or IEEE-IEEE cables...................................$ 50ea TAPE DRIVES....................................................$ 15 E-LINK allows use of the PET/CBM printers and disk drives with C-64............................................$ 50 BUSSCARD II allows use of IEEE devices.........................$ 50 SUPER SKETCH TABLET............................................$ 40 ANIMATION STATION GRAPHICS TABLET..............................$ 30 SMART SLOT 4 slot motherboard..................................$ 20 JOYSTICKS (tested)..(WICO heavy duty)..........................$ 10 JOYSTICKS (tested)..(various types)............................$ 5 STAR PRINTER INTERFACE (STAR printers only)....................$ 10 UNIPRINT PRINTER INTERFACE ....................................$ 5 EASY PRINT PRINTER INTERFACE...................................$ 15 CONNECTION PRINTER INTERFACE...................................$ 20 PRINTER STAND..................................................$ 5 ANTI STATIC PLUGS (go in joystick ports) pair..................$ 5 DISK NOTCHERS (new)............................................$ 3 POWER SUPPLIES (repairable type)...............................$ 30 POWER SUPPLIES (BLUE CHIP disk drive, used)....................$ 20 PRINTER INTERFACE (Alphacom only)..............................$ 10 POWER SUPPLY C-16 (new)........................................$ 10 VOLKS 6420 MODEM (300 BAUD)....................................$ 10 64 MODEM (300 BAUD)............................................$ 10 DUST COVERS, DATASETTE, 1541, 64, 128, 1571....................$ 5ea VOICE MESSENGER (speech unit)..................................$ 25 DATA 20 80 COL. ADAPTER........................................$ 20 FASTLOAD cartridge.............................................$ 15 +4 ITEMS: Micro Illustrator..............................................$ 10 Complete Course in Basic.......................................$ 10 Business Management & Statistics...............................$ 20 Service Manual.................................................$ 20 The Hulk.......................................................$ 5 C-128 SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE PRESENTLY AVAILABLE SOFTWARE: TEST-DEMO DISKS 1541, 1571, 1581, 1001, 2031, 4040, 8050, 8250..$ 5ea 1351 or M3 MOUSE UTILITY DISK...................................$ 5 1700-1750 DISK..................................................$ 5 1764 UTILITY DISK...............................................$ 5 RAMDOS 64 & 128 (for 1700-1750-1764)............................$ 5 ENHANCER 2000 TEST-DEMO DISK....................................$ 5 BOBS TERM PRO 128 (no manual, easy to learn)....................$ 5 (with manual).................................$ 15 KIKSTART 128....................................................$ 5 DATMANAGER 128..................................................$ 10 WORDWRITER 128..................................................$ 10 COMMODORE EDUCATIONAL LIBRARY 54 disks.....................each $ 1.50 catalog of this library...............................$ 5 SUPERBASE 128...................................................$ 10 The following disks are from #1 SOFTWARE, the 'BEST' in Public Domain programs. Each disk is either menu driven or has a manual you can print out. Prices for these are $ 1.50 each. CP-01 CPM startup utilities CP-02 BRADFORD CPM utility to do fancy printing. CP-03 WORDSTAR UTILITIES 1 CPM. CP-04 WORDSTAR UTILITIES 2 CPM CP-05 FONTSY CPM banner printing using multiple fonts. CP-06 FRONT & PRN CPM, Front is a front end menu program; Prn allows WORDSTAR to use all Epson graphics. CP-07 CPM PICTURES this is a collections of graphic art that prints itself. DB-01 'THE' DATABASE, one of the best at any price. GR-01 MOVIEMAKER V2 make and show color graphic moves in 80 col. MU-01 ENHANCED SIDPLAYER PR-01 thru PR-03 PRODUCTIVITY programs, each disk is different. TC-01 TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMS 4 good terminal programs. CGTERM 128 V3.3, MICROVT 128 V1.8, PROTOTERM 128, TCX 128. UT-01 thru UT-05 UTILITY PROGRAMS, each disk is different. MANUALS: 1541, 1541 II, 1571, USERS GUIDE................................$ 10ea 128-D USERS GUIDE...............................................$ 15 128 PROGRAMMERS REFERENCE GUIDE.................................$ 15 128 INTERNALS...................................................$ 15 803 PRINTER.....................................................$ 10 1526 PRINTER....................................................$ 10 CM-141 or 1802 MONITOR (black)..................................$ 10 1084 or 1084S MONITOR...........................................$ 5 1701 or 1702 MONITOR............................................$ 2 1802 MONITOR (putty)............................................$ 5 1902A MONITOR...................................................$ 2 2002 MONITOR....................................................$ 3 1351 or M3 MOUSE................................................$ 5 1700, 1750 or 1764 REU..........................................$ 5 BOOKS: 1571 INTERNALS..................................................$ 10 CPM & THE COMPUTER..............................................$ 10 WORDSTAR MADE EASY..............................................$ 5 CBASIC HANDBOOK.................................................$ 5 USING CPM.......................................................$ 5 CPM USERS GUIDE.................................................$ 5 CPM BIBLE.......................................................$ 5 BASIC, A SELF TEACHING GUIDE....................................$ 5 BASIC CONVERSION HANDBOOK APPLE<>COMMODORE<>TANDY...............$ 5 SUPERBASE, THE BOOK.............................................$ 10 BASIC PROGRAMS FOR BUSINESS.....................................$ 5 DATA FILE PROGRAMMING IN BASIC..................................$ 5 BASIC FROM THE GROUND UP........................................$ 5 128 SUBROUTINE LIBRARY..........................................$ 10 HARDWARE: 1001 Disk Drive..(1x1.12mb) IEEE...............................$ 50 4040 Disk Drive..(2x170k) IEEE.................................$ 100 8050 Disk Drive..(2x560k) IEEE.................................$ 125 8250 Disk Drive..(2x1.2mb) IEEE................................$ 150 4022 Printer IEEE..............................................$ 50 4023 Printer..(NLQ push tractor) IEEE..........................$ 50 6400 Printer..(daisywheel, wide carriage, centronics)..........$ 50 8023p Printer IEEE.............................................$ 50 8023p Printer..(new) IEEE......................................$ 75 8024 Printer..(push, pull, friction) IEEE......................$ 75 8300 Printer..(daisywheel, wide carriage) IEEE.................$ 75 NEC Spinwriter..(wide carriage, thimble).......................$ 50 PET-IEEE or IEEE-IEEE cables...................................$ 50ea Tape drives....................................................$ 15 E-LINK allows use of the IEEE printers and disk drives with C-128.....................................$ 50 1541 Reconditioned.............................................$ 75 1571 Reconditioned.............................................$ 125 ENHANCER 2000 Disk Drive (1541 clone no power supply)..........$ 25 128 Reconditioned..............................................$ 100 128D Reconditioned.............................................$ 150 C64 COMPUTER reconditioned.....................................$ 50 BELL 1200 baud modem, interface, manual dial...................$ 40 1702 COLOR MONITOR.............................................$ 75 1802 COLOR MONITOR..(last version, upright, putty).............$ 100 JOYSTICKS (tested) WICO heavy duty.............................$ 10 JOYSTICKS (tested) (various types).............................$ 5 STAR PRINTER INTERFACE (STAR printers only)....................$ 10 UNIPRINT PRINTER INTERFACE (tested)............................$ 5 EASY PRINT PRINTER INTERFACE...................................$ 15 PRINTER STAND..................................................$ 5 ANTI STATIC PLUGS (go in joystick ports) pair..................$ 5 DISK NOTCHERS (new)............................................$ 3 1541 SPEEDUP CHIP (goes in 128)................................$ 25 GEOS FILES FOR THE C64 & C128 GE-01 GEOPAINT UTILITY 1 A collection of programs to make life easier. Includes PHOTO PRINT to print out your photo albums; GEORLE to import rle graphic files; GEOVIEW to view pictures outside GEOPAINT; PHOTO MOVER to move photos between albums; GRAPHIC STORM to import DOODLE and other graphic files; PAINT VIEW II to view the first 15 pictures on a disk; PICSHOW 3.3 to view slideshows; SCRAP IT to cut L-A-R-G-E photo scraps; THUMBNAIL to capture reduced size GEOPAINT pictures; MIRROR MIRROR to make mirror images of your artwork; SCREENPHOTO to save the screen to a photo album; and other programs. GE-166 GEOPAINT UTILITY 2 ALBUM REVERTER+ to convert photo albums created under GEOS 2.0 so that they work with earlier versions of GEOS; FPE to create your own fill patters (several are included as samples); NEWTOOLS and NEWTOOLS 80 an extension to GEOPAINT that gives you many new options and other programs. GE-180 GEOPAINT UTILITY 3 GEO-GIF convert GIF format pictures to GEOPAINT. GEOPCX to convert GEOPAINT pictures to MS-DOS PCX format for use in GEOWORKS and other programs. HANDIMPORT to import HANDY SCANNER files. Other programs and 2 GEOPAINT tip files. GE-239 GEOPAINT UTILITY 4 GRAPHICVIEW 128 to view graphics in 128 80 column mode outside GEOPAINT; RETRIEVER 2.0 to recover graphics embedded in a GEOWRITE file; SCRAP IT! to cut photo scraps larger than the screen. GE-02 GEOWRITE UTILITY 1 A collection of programs to make writing easier. Includes BLUE PENCIL to edit files; DOWNGRADE 5.0 to change files between versions of GEOS; GETDIRECTORY to read a disk directory into a document; INTERCEPT B to convert GEOWRITE files to GEOPAINT files; Q&D edit, a quick and dirty file editor; QUICKVIEW to view the files outside GEOWRITE; RIP & READ a sequential file reader; RONS WRITER a simple text writer; SEQ READER, a simple file reader; SEQ>TEXTSCRAP v1.3 to convert sequential files to textscraps; TRANSLATE 2.0 and TRANSTEXT to convert files back and forth to ASCII & PETASCII; WRITE HAND MAN to manipulate files; WRONG IS WRIGHT to correct version errors; and several other programs. GE-175 GEOWRITE UTILITY 2 More programs to help you out including GEOVAX to convert GEOWRITE files to run on a VAX computer system or vice-versa (VAX font file included); DELETE HFP to delete headers, footers and pages; FILE MERGER to combine files; CTRL-> to use the ctrl key as a tab key; MULTI PRINT to print move than one copy of a document; UNPUBLISH to change a file from GEOPUBLISH to GEOWRITE; and several other programs. GE-03 - GE-12, GE-144 - GE-151, GE-173, GE-226 -228 GEOS FONTS Each of these disks is a stand-alone collection of GEOS fonts, some funny, some CAD, some foreign. Printouts of all these fonts are located in the rear of this binder. GE-171 FONT DOCS 1 Documentation and demo of some of the fonts. GE-167 FONT TOOLS 1 A collection of tools to allow you to create your own fonts, view them, print them out, link them to a GEOASSEMBLER file and identify the fonts used in a GEOWRITE document, etc. GE-184 FONT TOOLS 2 More font tools and templates. GE-13 INPUT DRIVERS C-64 All the presently available input drivers. Includes joysticks in either port 1 or port 2, mice in port 1 or port 2, using the right button of the mouse as a double click, SUPER SKETCH tablet in port 1 or 2, KOALA PAD in either port, lightpens, etc. GE-14, GE-176 and GE-253 PRINTER DRIVERS 1 Many, many printers supported including ones not supported by Berkley. Double, quad and reduced size drivers for some printers. There are no drivers for STAR printers on this disk. GE-165 and GE-244 STAR PRINTER DRIVERS These disks contain all of the drivers for a STAR printer we have been able to find. There are several for the NX-1000 and NX-1000C. If you are having trouble with the stock GEOS printer drivers here is your best shot. GE-15 CHART,DEX,FILE etc New application templates for GEOCHART, GEODEX, GEOFILE etc. GE-16 CONVERSION PROGRAMS An assortment of programs to convert files to and from GEOS for sending over a modem. GE-17 COPE PROGRAMMER A public domain ml assembler system like GEO-PROGRAMMER. GE-18 and 19 GEOS TECH MANUAL Prints out a large technical manual on GEOS. Essential for the person who wants to write GEOS applications. Requires both disks for the complete manual. GE-20 MISC PROGRAMS 1 Contains many programs such as: CALENDAR PRINTER to print out the calendar in the desktop; DESK ORGANIZER to organizer the desktop; DIR MASTER to reorganize a disk directory and drop or add empty pages; DISK MASTER to change a disk to or from a master disk; DISKLOCK to make a disk uneraseable; FAST AMI! to transfer data to or from an AMIGA via cable; GEODIRPRINT to print directory listings of your disk with header block info; GRAPHIC LABELS to print labels with graphics and other programs. GE-21 MISC PROGRAMS 2 Contains many programs such as: GEO ORGANIZER, BATCH COPIER, GEO-LOGGER (disk cataloger), GEOLIST 2.0, HULME VIEW, INSP DISKETTE, LABELER, LOCK UNLOCK, MULTI LABEL, NOTEPRINTER, PATTERN EDITOR, etc. GE-22 MISC PROGRAMS 3 Contains many programs such as: QWIK-TOP (a faster version of the desktop), UNTRASH (for recovering scratched files), UNGEOS (makes a GEOS disk into a CBM disk), BARCODE (to print labels with barcodes), etc. GE-179 MISC PROGRAMS 4 GEO COMIX a program to allow you to write comic strips. Includes docs and a sample comic called 'The Orb'. GE-182 MISC PROGRAMS 5 C-64 ADDRESSER (to address envelopes), BACKUP (to copy disks), DVORAK 2 (to change your keyboard for faster typing), GEOSPLIITER (to split files), SPRINT (to read CBM sequential files) and many other programs. GE-186 MISC PROGRAMS 6 C-128 AUTOBOOT (make disks autoboot), C128 KEYBOARD (an enhanced keyboard), FLAG SETTER (change the 40/80 col mode of a program) and other programs and input drivers. GE-234 GRAPHIC CONVERTERS Programs to switch graphics between various formats such as: BASIC 8, KOALA, SUPER SKETCH, MAC, PRINT MASTER, PRINTSHOP NEWSROOM etc. and allow them to be used in GEOPAINT. GE-235 PROGRAMMER AIDS Various utilities to make writing GEOS programs easier. GE-236 PROGRAM PATCHES Patches for the following: FONT VIEW, GEODEX 1>1.1, GEODEX 1>1.2, GEOPROGRAMMER, GEOTERM, MAVERICK, GEO MERGE, PAINT SCRAP AND TEXT GRABBER. GE-241 AND GE-248 DESK ACCESSORIES Many, many desk accessories to make things a little easier. GE-242 AUTO EXECS New configs for REU'S (64 & 128), 128 DUALTOP, AUTOLOADER, AUTONOTEPAD, BLACK OUT, CENTER 80, CHANGE BSW, COLOR128, DUAL TOP, LOGIN, MOUSEUP and more. GE-246 ICON MANIPULATION Programs to change, make, and edit icons. GE-23 thru GE-256 GEOPAINT ARTWORK or GEOWRITE FILES GE-23 & 24 ABSTRACT ART 1 GE-25 ADS GE-26 & 254 ADVANCED D & D (maps, character sheets, new spells) GE-27, 128 & 158 AIRPLANES GE-29 ANIMALS DOMESTIC GE-30 & 181 ANIMALS WILD GE-31 ANIMATION (moves made with Album Animator (on the disk)) GE-32 BIRDS GE-66 & 151 BOTANY GE-33 BUGS GE-34 BUILDINGS GE-255 CAD FILES GE-256 CALENDARS GE-35 - 39 & 164 CARTOON CHARACTERS GE-40 CARTOONS GE-41 & 185 CHARTS (size charts for Geo Paint, etc) GE-42 CHEATSHEETS (to make keyboard overlays) GE-43 CHILDREN GE-44 CHRISTMAS GE-45-56, 157, 160, 202-203, 217-234 CLIP ART Printouts of these disks are in the back of the binder. GE-57 & 58 COMPUTERS GE-59 DEMOS & ADS GE-60 - 63 & 188 FANTASY GE-64 & 250 FISH GE-65 FLAGS GE-249 FOOD GE-67 FORMS GE-169, 183 & 238 GAMES Several games to play within GEOS. GE-68 & 69 GAME MAPS GE-159, 240 GEOPUBLISH FILES Various files and add-ons for GeoPublish. GE-243 HANDYSCANS GE-70 HOLIDAYS GE-71 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS GE-206 INSECTS 1 GE-72 - 74 DISK LABELS GE-75 LETTERS & NUMBERS GE-76 LOGOS GE-77 MAPS GE-78 - 80, 162 & 205 MEN GE-81 MILITARY GE-82 - 84, 163 & 247 MISC ART GE-252 ML SOURCE CODE GE-85 MOVIES GE-86 MUSIC ART GE-229-230 MUSIC PROGRAMS GE-204 MYTHOLGY GE-87 - 103, 154-156, 172, 189-201, 231 - 233 & 237 PHOTO ALBUMS Printouts of the photo albums are in the back of the binder. GE-104 POP ART GE-105 & 152 RELIGIOUS GE-106 - 107 & 174 SCHEMATICS GE-108 - 110 & 153 SCI-FI GE-111 SHIPS GE-112 - 115 & 161 SIGNS-POSTERS GE-116 SLEEVES GE-117 & 118 SPACE GE-119 SPORTS GE-120 - 122 & 178 STAR TREK GE-123 - 125 TEXT FILES GE-225 TOOLS 1 GE-126 TOYS GE-127 TRAINS GE-128 WEAPONS GE-129 - 130, 170 & 187 AUTOMOTIVE GE-131 - 136, 168 & 245 WOMEN GE-137 - 143 'R' rated COMMERCIAL GEOS SOFTWARE These have been tested and unkeyed. GEO-PROGRAMMER....................................................$ 15 GATEWAY 128.......................................................$ 15 GEO FILE..........................................................$ 10 GEOS 1.2..........................................................$ 10 INTERNATIONAL FONTPACK............................................$ 10 WRITERS WORKSHOP V2.0 c-64........................................$ 10 WRITERS WORKSJOP v2.0 128.........................................$ 10 RUNS POWER PAK I..................................................$ 5 RUNS POWER PAK II.................................................$ 5 RUNS GEOS COMPANION...............................................$ 5 LOADSTAR'S GEO POWER TOOLS........................................$ 5 GEOS 1.3..........................................................$ 10 FONT PACK I.......................................................$ 5 FONT PACK II......................................................$ 3 DESK PACK I.......................................................$ 5 GEO PRINT V1.2....................................................$ 5 GEO LABEL.........................................................$ 5 GEOS CLIP ART disk by Berkley.....................................$ 5 GEOWORLD DISKS 2,3,4,5,23,24,25.............................each $ 3 GEOS 64 v2.0......................................................$ 20 GEOS 128 v2.0.....................................................$ 20 GEO CALC 128......................................................$ 15 GEOS TRICKS & TIPS book...........................................$ 10 GEOS INSIDE & OUT disk............................................$ 5 PRINTSHOP-PRINTMASTER GRAPHICS FOR COMMODORE AND IBM (MS-DOS) Please specify Old PS, New PS or PRINTMASTER for IBM. Please specify PRINTSHOP side 'A' format (non-COMMODORE printers), PRINTSHOP side 'B' (COMMODORE printers or PRINTMASTER format for COMMODORE. Printouts of these disks may be ordered at 25 cents each (min 4). PS-02 AERIAL 1 110 planes, helicopters, ballons. PS-139 AERIAL-2 5 more. PS-40 ANATOMY-1 110 parts of the body. PS-96 ANATOMY-2 55 more including the sign language. PS-37 ANIMALS-AQUATIC-1 110 of fish and their friends. PS-105 ANIMALS-AQUATIC-2 56 more. PS-05 ANIMALS-TAME-1 110 various domesticated animals. PS-44 ANIMALS-TAME-2 90 more. PS-38 ANIMALS-FLYING-1 110 creatures of the air. PS-66 ANIMALS-FLYING-2 110 more. PS-94 ANIMALS-FLYING-3 110 more. PS-129 ANIMALS-FLYING-4 14 more. PS-06 ANIMALS-WILD-1 110 various wild animals. PS-45 ANIMALS-WILD-2 110 more. PS-52 ANIMALS-WILD-3 110 more. PS-81 ANIMALS-WILD-4 110 more. PS-130 ANIMALS-WILD-5 47 more. PS-33 BASEBALL-1 107 boys of summer. PS-57 BASKET-SOC-VOL-1 67 basketball, soccer and volleyball. PS-08 BOTANY-1 110 trees, flowers etc. PS-59 BOTANY-2 110 more. PS-104 BOTANY-3 53 more. PS-29 BUILDINGS-1 110 of man's creations. PS-64 BUILDINGS-2 110 more. PS-113 BUILDINGS-3 79 more. PS-22 CARTOON CHARS-1 110 of famous characters. PS-61 CARTOON CHARS-2 110 more. PS-95 CARTOON CHARS-3 110 more. PS-138 CARTOON CHARS-4 50 more. PS-56 CATS-1 110 feline friends. PS-133 CATS-2 18 more. PS-112 CHEMISTRY-1 104 chemical items. PS-54 CHILDREN-1 110 children and associated items. PS-111 CHILDREN-2 24 more. PS-35 CHRISTMAS-1 110 of our favorite holiday. PS-47 CHRISTMAS-2 110 more. PS-69 CHRISTMAS-3 110 more. PS-132 CHRISTMAS-4 103 more. PS-83 CIRCUS-1 55 under the big top. PS-21 COMPUTERS-1 110 various computer items. PS-78 COMPUTERS-2 85 more. PS-79 COMPUTERS-3 110 more. PS-108 COMPUTERS-4 62 more. PS-99 DINOSAURS 44 heavys. PS-65 DOGS-1 110 of mans best friend. PS-73 DOGS-2 89 more. PS-100 EGYPTIAN-1 53 by the Nile. PS-55 FAMOUS PEOPLE-1 110 of the better known amoung us. PS-114 FAMOUS PEOPLE-2 7 more. PS-28 FANTASY-1 110 that never were. PS-98 FANTASY-2 110 more. PS-144 FANTASY-3 68 more. PS-04 FEMALE-1 110 women and couples. PS-43 FEMALE-2 110 more. PS-134 FEMALE-3 42 more. PS-23 FOOD & BEV-1 110 fattening items. PS-62 FOOD & BEV-2 110 more. PS-92 FOOD & BEV-3 110 more. PS-127 FOOD & BEV-4 52 more. PS-34 FOOTBALL-1 110 boys of fall. PS-75 FOOTBALL-2 87 more. PS-50 FRATERNAL-1 50 emblems of social groups. PS-26 FURNITURE-1 100 items of furniture. PS-91 GAMES-1 55 game related items. PS-16 HOLIDAYS-1 110 various holidays. PS-31 HOLIDAYS-2 110 more. PS-118 HOLIDAYS-3 50 more. PS-93 INDIANS-COWBOYS-1 106 western graphics. PS-1 LAND TRANSPORT-1 110 cars, trucks, buses. PS-10 LAND TRANSPORT-2 110 more. PS-53 LAND TRANSPORT-3 107 more. PS-107 LAND TRANSPORT-4 47 more. PS-14 MACHINERY-1 35 various machines. PS-3 MALE-1 110 men of the year. PS-42 MALE-2 110 more. PS-51 MALE-3 110 more. PS-135 MALE-4 90 more. PS-60 MAPS & FLAGS-1 120 maps and flags. PS-74 MAPS & FLAGS-2 110 more. PS-109 MAPS & FLAGS-3 110 more. PS-125 MAPS & FLAGS-4 110 more. PS-126 MAPS & FLAGS-5 85 more. PS-90 MEDICAL-1 86 health care items. PS-11 MILITARY-1 110 various military items. PS-76 MILITARY-2 110 more. PS-117 MILITARY-3 110 more. PS-145 MILITARY-4 85 more. PS-07 MISC GRAPHICS-1 110 assorted. PS-09 MISC GRAPHICS-2 110 more. PS-48 MISC GRAPHICS-3 110 more. PS-58 MISC GRAPHICS-4 110 more. PS-102 MISC GRAPHICS-5 116 more. PS-106 MISC GRAPHICS-6 110 more. PS-131 MISC GRAPHICS-7 69 more. PS-12 MONEY-1 66 money related items. PS-67 MUSIC-1 110 noise makers. PS-86 MUSIC-2 94 more. PS-24 NOS & LETTERS-1 105 different nos. & letters. PS-63 NOS & LETTERS-2 112 more. PS-80 NOS & LETTERS-3 104 more. PS-101 NOS & LETTERS-4 111 more. PS-141 NOS & LETTERS-5 94 more. PS-142 NOS & LETTERS-6 61 more. PS-30 OFFICE-1 110 reminders of where we spend our days. PS-88 OFFICE-2 110 more. PS-143 OFFICE-3 53 more. PS-68 PHOTOGRAPHY-1 76 cameras, film etc. PS-39 PRESIDENTS-1 110 leaders. PS-36 RELIGIOUS-1 110 church related items. PS-70 RELIGIOUS-2 110 more. PS-72 RELIGIOUS-3 103 more. PS-119 RELIGIOUS-4 110 more. PS-120 RELIGIOUS-5 110 more. PS-121 RELIGIOUS-6 110 more. PS-122 RELIGIOUS-7 110 more. PS-123 RELIGIOUS-8 110 more. PS-124 RELIGIOUS-9 105 more. PS-84 SCHOOL-1 110 dear old golden rule days. PS-116 SCHOOL-2 101 more. PS-32 SEASONAL-1 110 of the various seasons. PS-97 SEASONAL-2 44 more. PS-25 SHIPS & SEA-1 110 nautical items. PS-103 SHIPS & SEA-2 54 more. PS-19 SIGNS & LOGOS-1 110 various signs and logos. PS-20 SIGNS & LOGOS-2 110 more. PS-49 SIGNS & LOGOS-3 110 more. PS-87 SIGNS & LOGOS-4 110 more. PS-110 SIGNS & LOGOS-5 110 more. PS-115 SIGNS & LOGOS-6 110 more. PS-136 SIGNS & LOGOS-7 84 more. PS-27 SPACE-1 110 beyound the stars. PS-71 SPACE-2 110 more. PS-137 SPACE-3 15 more. PS-17 SPORTS-1 110 various sports. PS-15 SPORTS-2 110 more. PS-89 SPORTS-3 110 more. PS-128 SPORTS-4 11 more. PS-77 TAROT CARDS 78 cards. PS-13 TOOLS & INSTS-1 110 various tools. PS-46 TOOLS & INSTS-2 110 more. PS-140 TOOLS & INSTS-3 12 more. PS-85 TRAINS-1 71 riding the rails. PS-41 WORDS-1 83 words of the day. PS-82 YOUTH ORGS-1 97 emblems of the scouts etc. PRICES: All PS and GEOS PD disks are.................. $ 1.50 each. MS-DOS SOFTWARE and HARDWARE PRESENTLY AVAILABLE SOFTWARE: SELECT WORD PROCESSOR...........................................$ 10 TELECOMM........................................................$ 10 ELECTRIC DESK...................................................$ 10 IBM PRIVATE TUTOR (NEW).........................................$ 10 IBM GENERAL LEDGER TRAINING EDITION (NEW).......................$ 10 IBM EXECUTIVE SOLUTIONS (NEW) (requires FILING ASSISTANT).......$ 10 IBM PAYROLL TRAINING EDITION (NEW)..............................$ 10 IBM EASY WRITER (NEW)...........................................$ 20 IBM DATA EDITION (NEW)..........................................$ 20 IBM ACCOUNTS PAYABLE EDITION (NEW)..............................$ 20 KNOWLEDGE MAN (INVENTORY MANG. SYS).............................$ 20 EXECUTIVE PERFORMER (INVENTORY MANG. SYS).......................$ 10 The following disks are from #1 SOFTWARE, the 'BEST' in Public Domain programs. Each disk is either menu driven or has a manual you can print out. Prices for these are $ 2.00 each. AC-01/02 PC ACCOUNTING single or double entry, requires both disks. AC-03/04 SERVICE ORIENTED ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. AC-05 RAMBASE ACCOUNTING. BU-01 BUSINESS LETTERS 100+ letters to use with your WP. BU-02 RESUME MAKER requires WORDSTAR. BU-03 BARCODES prints type 39, UPC-a and 120F5, 9 pin printer. BU-04 COMPASS database, spreadsheet, memo writer, accounting, etc. BU-05 AMORT prints amortization schedules. CO-01 KERMIT terminal program. VT-102 emulation. C0-02 PROCOMM terminal program. CL-01 DOS HELP, type HELP then a command. CL-02 WOLFWARE ASSEMBLER for 8086/8088 ml. CL-03 PC PROFESSOR will teach you BASIC. CL-04 COMPUTOR TUTOR teach the keyboard and general hardware. CL-05 ADVANCED COMPUTOR TUTOR moves you farther down the road. CL-06 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE TUTORIAL takes some of the mystery out. CL-07 BASIC COMPUTER TOOLS optimizing complier, etc. CL-08 PROGRAMMERS AIDS many good utilities including TRACE. CL-10 COCOL v6 pd implementation of COBOL, not for novices. DB-01 C-BASE database and label printer. DB-02&03 PC FILE III prints own 250 page manual. DB-04 PC-DBMS relational, full screen forms, screen editor. DE-01 EZ FORMS prints many blank forms. Some already on disk. DE-02 CITYDESK turns your WP into a desktop publishing prg. DE-03 FORMGEN design forms for your home or office. DE-04 SNIPPER & TYPEA do layout work on the screen. DE-05 VENTURA UTILITIES. DE-06 VENTURA TYPE STUDIO design new fonts. DE-07 VENTURA TUTOR requires VENTURA PUBLISHER to use. DE-08&09 MORFORM complete forms managment system. DE-10&11 RUBICON PUBLISHER v2.2c over 120 features. ED-01 GEOMETRY & TRIGONOMETRY tutor. ED-02 MATH TUTOR 1st thru 6th grades. ED-03 GERMAN LANGUAGE TUTOR. ED-O4 BEGINNING SPANISH requires BASIC. ED-05 MATH PAK includes tutorial. ED-06 ALGEBRA TUTOR. ED-07 SPANISH I 750 Spanish/English word combos. ED-08 CHRONOS create your own chronology. ED-09 FORMULA I tutor for high school and college. ED-10 PC FAST TYPE custom typing instructional program. GA-01 D and D fanatasy role playing game. GA-02 STRIKER arcade chopper game. Color required. GA-03 3D CHESS. GA-04 EMPIRE & COREWAR strategy games. GA-05 MAHJONG Chinese tile game. 1 to 4 players. GA-06 PC PRO GOLF requires CGA and 256k. GA-07 RAILROAD SWITCHER color, John Allen's Timesaver. GA-08 PC RAILROAD dispatcher type. Editor included. GA-09 QUESTMAKER animated graphic adventure game creator. GA-10 THE BATTLE OF KURSK command a T-34 or a Panther. GA-11 BATTLE GROUND 2 player tactical, color. GA-12 PHARAOH'S TOMB first adventure of Nevada Smith, color. GA-13 CAVES OF THOR 16 color arcade adventure. GA-14 OFF-ROAD dodge motorcycles and jump boulders, color. GA-15 MONUMENTS OF MARS arcade adventure, EGA or better. GA-16 STAR TREK requires EGA or better. GA-17 SHOOTING GALLERY requires VGA or MCGA and 450k. GA-18 CHOPPER COMMANDO color. GA-19 ZZT improved version, keyboard, joystick or mouse. GA-20 PC POOL color, realistic ball movement. GA-21 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL 3-d, sound, on-line help. GA-22 UNDER THE GULF take your nuke sub into the gulf. GA-23 KINGDOM OF KROZ II revised and updated. GA-24&25 MAH JONGG design your own tiles or use one of theirs, color. GA-26 OTHELLO 3-d, color, toughest I've ever played. GR-01/02 COLOR CAD CGA/EGA, printer or plotter. Needs both disks. GR-03 EXPRESS GRAPH a dozen different types. GR-04 FINGER PAINT CGA or HERCULES card. GR-05 MAC PAINT CGA or EGA. Arched. GR-06 PC DRAFT 1280x700 pixel drawing program. GR-07 PC CHART graphic charting that interfaces with PC FILE. GR-14 PICTURE LABEL uses graphics from PS or PRINTMASTER. GR-15 BILLBOARD scrools your message across the screen. GR-16 PRINT GALLERY view, print, sort, rename PS and PRINTMASTER. GR-17 THE LIGHTING PRESS similar to PS and PRINTMASTER. GR-18 PRESENT fantastic slide presentation system. GR-19 ICONVERT converts graphics between formats and IBM-CBM. GR-20 GRAPHIC WORKSHOP handles most files except PS and PM. GR-21 DESKTOP PAINT designed to work with desktop publishing. GR-22 VGA PAINT produces screen images in up to 248 colors. GR-23 PC DRAFT CAD vector based CAD system. GR-24 GRAPHIC DISPLAY UTILITIES identify, organize and display. GR-25 CLIP ART CONVERSION & UTILITY PROGRAMS. GR-26 CLIP ART CONVERSION & UTILITY PROGRAMS more and different. HO-01 PROGENITOR genealogical database. HO-02 HOME RECORD KEEPING database. HO-03 FREE WILL a fill in the blanks generic will. HO-04 HOME LOAN shows you various aspects of almost any loan. HO-05 MORSE CODE TUTOR. HO-06 DREAM HOUSE plan the home you always dreamed of. HO-07 HOUSEHOLD GOODS INVENTORY. HO-08 PRO FOOTBALL LINEMAKER for gamblers. HO-09 GREYHOUND HANDICAPPER for gamblers. HO-10 PRO-STAMP manage stamp collections. H0-11&12 BROTHERS KEEPER genealogical program. HO-13&14 FAMILY TREE genealogical program. IN-01 POINT OF SALE INVENTORY tracks all items and costs. LB-01 MR. LABEL general purpose label printing program. LB-02 RELIANCE MAILING LIST uses 1, 2 or 3 across labels. LB-03 LABEL MAKER makes disk labels showing files, allows editing. LB-04 BANNERIFIC makes L-A-R-G-E banners. LB-05 DLS(DISKETTE LABELS) for 3 1/2 and 5 1/4. LB-06 LABEL MAGIC v3.0 all kinds of labels. LB-07 DISKETTE JACKET prints both 3 1/2 and 5 1/4. LB-08 PRINT PARTNER shareware version of PRINTMASTER. MU-01&02 PIANOMAN use keyboard as piano, record and play back. MU-03 ADDITIONAL MUSIC FOR PIANOMAN 23 more songs. PR-01 EPSON PRINTER UTILITIES makes your printer more flexible. PR-02 GENERAL FILE PRINTING many utilities for the printer. PR-03 LETTER QUALITY generate letter quality on any dot matrix. PR-04 ON-SIDE print reports sideways down the page. PR-05 DOCSMASH prints page in 1/4 original size. PR-06 BRADFORD letter quality output in 35 fonts. RL-01 BIBLE QUIZ over 1,000 multiple choice questions. RL-02 BIBLE MEN quiz game for 1 to 8 players. RL-03 BIBLE QUIZ PLUS 1-6 players, reQuires BASIC. RL-04 GODSPEED high speed concordance, NT only. RL-05 COMPUTER BIBLE CLASS interactive bible study program. SS-01 AS EASY AS 1-2-3 only 261,888 cells! SS-02 BEGINNING LOTUS TUTOR. SS-03 ADVANCED LOTUS TUTOR. SS-04 QUBECALC many advanced features. SS-05 A-LITE version of AS-EASY-AS. 2048 rows-128 columns. UT-01 DIRECTORY MAGIC works with DOS thru 4.0 and hd>32megs. UT-02 DOS ASSISTANT adds functional help windows. UT-03 STILL RIVER SHELL what MICROSOFT left out. UT-04 HARD DISK BACK UP lots of good utilities. UT-05 FORMATTING and COPYING saves reloading source disk. UT-06 SECTOR EDITOR access your floppy at the lowest level. UT-07 MASTER UTILITIES checkout programs, labeler, etc. UT-08 DISK & DRIVE DIAGNOSTICS. UT-09 D & F UTILITIES allows doing things DOS doesn't. UT-10 DESK TOP UTILITIES clone of SIDEKICK uses less memory. UT-11 PKXARC-ARCHIVE extraction program. UT-12 CONCURRENT FORMATTER format disks in the background. UT-13 LOGICAT v1.74 easy way to catalog your disks. UT-14 PKZMENU menu driven and much easier to use than PKZIP. UT-15 DISKTRAK disk cataloger. UT-16 EXPLOSIV fire works display screen saver. UT-17 EISSINGER UTILITIES 28 outstanding programs with docs. UT-18 VIRUSCAN v66b scan disks or system for viruses. WP-01 PC WRITE good word processor. WP-02 EZ SPELL checks any file, allows adding or deleting words. WP-03 GALZXY Wordprocessor that interchanges with WORDSTAR. WP-04/05 LEARNING WORDPERFECT 5.0 requires both disks. WP-06 WORDPERFECT 5.0 TOOLS #1 useful utilities. WP-07 WAMPUM easy to use wp with lots of features. WP-08 THESAUR easy to use on line thesaurus. WP-09 WP FOR KIDS designed for children. WP-10 PC-INDEX produces the type index found in back of books. WP-11 SHARE SPELL stand-alone spelling checker. BOOKS: FIRST BOOK OF GEOWORKS (NEW)......................................$ 15 USING WORDPERFECT 3rd edition.....................................$ 10 BASIC PROGRAMS FOR HOME FINANCIAL MANAGMENT.......................$ 5 YOU JUST BOUGHT A PERSONAL WHAT?..................................$ 5 BASIC COMPUTER GAMES..............................................$ 5 MODERN COMPUTER CONCEPTS..........................................$ 5 FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY................................$ 5 COBOL PROGRAMMING.................................................$ 5 MORE BASIC COMPUTER GAMES.........................................$ 5 CREATIVE PROGRAMMING IN BASIC.....................................$ 5 DATA FILE PROGRAMMING IN BASIC....................................$ 5 BASIC PROGRAMMING.................................................$ 5 BASIC, A SELF TEACHING GUIDE......................................$ 5 BASIC PROGRAMS FOR BUSINESS.......................................$ 5 BASIC FROM THE GROUND UP..........................................$ 5 HARDWARE: These IEEE printers may be used with a GPIB card available from most large computer dealers or mail order houses. 4022 Printer 80 col IEEE.......................................$ 50 4023 Printer..(NLQ push tractor) 80 col IEEE...................$ 50 6400 Printer (daisy wheel)(Starwriter F-10)IEEE................$ 50 8023p printer 132 col IEEE.....................................$ 50 8023p printer..(new) 132 col IEEE..............................$ 75 8024 PRINTER (push, pull, friction, wide carriage) IEEE........$ 100 8300 PRINTER (Diablo 630 daisy wheel, wide carriage) IEEE......$ 100 TEC Printer..(daisywheel, wide carriage, centronics)...........$ 150 IEEE CABLES....................................................$ 50 SHIPPING: I ship via UPS. If you wish an order shipped via the USPS you must include enough extra to cover the cost of insurance. On any order except computers, printers and disk drives include 20% for shipping (minimum $6 maximum $10). Printers require $25. I do not ship outside the 48 states. If you live elsewhere you must make arrangements for someone to pick the order up here. PAYMENT: Checks require two (4) weeks to clear. Money orders usually ship within 48 hrs. Make all checks and money orders payable to: Ronald Snyder / 1192 S. Nome St. / Aurora, CO / 80012 /(303)-751-3247 TRANSACTOR MAGAZINES: These are the orginal COMMODORE CANADA in-house magazines. They were done on an 8032 and various printers. Not the slick magazine Hilden made after he bought if from CBM. These are great references guides to the PETs. High quality zeroxed c opies. V1 #1............................$ 2 V2 #1............................$ 2 2............................$ 2 3............................$ 3 4............................$ 2 5............................$ 3 V3 #1............................$ 5 2............................$ 5 3............................$ 5 4............................$ 8 5............................$ 6 6............................$ 7 -- Jim Brain, Embedded Systems Designer, Brain Innovations. Dabbling in VR, Old Commodore Computers, and Good Times! "The above views DO reflect my employer, since I am my employer" - Jim Brain -- Jim Brain, Embedded Systems Designer, Brain Innovations. Dabbling in VR, Old Commodore Computers, and Good Times! "The above views DO reflect my employer, since I am my employer" - Jim Brain